What is CST?

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Craniosacral Therapy is a delicate light touch that engages with the subtle craniosacral rhythm of the body. This can involve having the hands in contact or held slightly off the body whilst being fully clothed and usually lying down. The practitioner engages with these subtle rhythms to facilitate and enhance your body’s natural ability to restore underlying health. During treatment, clients report feelings of warmth, pulsation and tingling as physical changes occur.

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Benefits of CST

Benefits of CST icon

The body has an innate capacity for self-healing and the practitioner facilitates this process, leading to restored balance of mind, body and spirit. Treatment is truely holistic and treats many conditions and symptoms such as stress, anxiety, physical injury or restriction, emotional tension, illness, acute and chronic conditions. Following treatment, clients report feelings of increased energy, vitality and restored underlying health.

Video courtesy of the Craniosacral Therapy Association – www.craniosacral.co.uk

Craniosacral Therapy

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